Happy October! Leaves are beginning to fall (haha) around us. Time to get our Freak on, or at least have an excuse for it.
Some things coming out of the shop lately include new paintings (which sold before completion-Thanks!), a new tattoo machine frame prototype, new tattoos, and fresh cosplay projects coming down the pipe. I'll put some pics below. Did I mention it's October? Grins.
Be Good to You.
ps- Before you ask, No. You are never too old to Trick or Treat. ;)
Buster Cleveland
Dipped in Awesome
Friday, October 2, 2015
Tattoo Machines, October Roses
Friday, September 4, 2015
Go, Dog, Go!
Heya, Folks.
It's the beginning of the Traditional Busy Season, which is funny because it's been busy for years now, lol.
It's September, leading into one of my fav times of the year. Okay, let's all quit holding our breath and just say it- "Halloween is coming."
Halloween, like cosplay or tattooing, is one of those things that still makes me little kid giddy. Can't put a price on the value of that. Prop requests are rolling in. I will get to your requests as soon as I can. Thanks for your interest! I'm excited about the coming season, and it's all your fault, lol. Whether you're commissioning a prop or sculpture, getting a tattoo or buying a painting- Thank You.
Alright, it's Your day.
Be Good to You.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Memorial Day is Not a Choice
There's been a load of posts across Facebook about Memorial Day. Thanks for your intention.
I usually find that I think about it as little as possible. It's with us most every day, as I imagine it is with all veterans. Maybe they're doing what we are, just trying not to look at it again.
My Father's life culminated in a participation in history. He volunteered for Service he could have passed on. I was on the way.
Six months after my birth, he would also be on his way to whatever is next.
Make no mistake, we are proud of his efforts, his intentions, and are aware of his Service while I Sit in a peaceful, largely safe backyard, grilling, thinking about my fam, and drinking Beer. Thank You.
Honor them. Seek peace in every interaction with your fellow planeteers.
Be Good to You,
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Back in the Saddle
Heya, folks. Bc Props is back online after a too long hiatus. Few things satisfy like cleaning up the shop and knowing it's ready for the next ocd project.
Thanks to all those who continued to email and facebook prop requests and updates on your own work. These messages and pics kept me looking over my shoulder and planning a return. Thank you.
Otherwise, in short, I've been through a formal tattoo apprenticeship, and working a regular 40 hour after 40 hour for the last several years. Time for a break. Time to smell the roses. I love roses.
Cool. Now that that's done... let's get to work.
Be good to You.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Mass Effect 2- Hey! I'm Awake!
Had a hell of a time with the M29 template- just never have these kinds of difficulties with the freaking template! Can't wait to get blocked out and carving- hello weekend. Lol.
Many thanks to the folks I've had the pleasure to pass all these e-mails with. Funny, how a single e-mail turns into a conversation. I'm glad to have traded thoughts and ideas. It's your day- kick ass.
Also been thinking mucho about how much of my own artwork has been produced in the lately- um, like nill. I've been so busy with props and other folk's wonderful stuff that I've neglected me own work- it's time to carve out some space to get to it. I feel an unbottling, which is always cool! It's that moment when you're laughing hysterically before you throw up and realize- that shape needs a black outline. ;)
Be good to you.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Potential to Decapitate- Naruto Comes to Life
Potential to decapitate- check. Naruto comes to life as airbrushing begins. I expect to finish this mid-week, with another side to paint, a zig-zag pattern to create on the backside, and multiple coats of clear. This was a fun project full of engineering goodness! It turned out strong, light, and life-threatening- just the way we want 'em! We're almost home!
Next up I'm leaping into the M29/Incisor Sniper Rifle from Mass Effect 2, which I'm looking forward to as I'm slowly working my way through ME2. First step will be multiple templates and depth mapping, then a whole load of sawdust. I'm on it.
Beyond that, project activity is at an all-time high- making this the most productive year ever. Thanks! You've kept me busy doing what I love, and with the result benefiting what you love- well, that's just primo.
Plenty of folks asking for props, as well as advice and opinions on personal builds. Keep it up! Don't be afraid to fail! It's the path to success. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!
Be good to you.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Naruto meets Mass Effect 2

The Naruto Decapitating Knife is progressing nicely, moving from paper template to rough cutting, to shaping and construction. Bowling through this one at a mad pace and feeling good about it. Working out the design to create a sturdy prop of this size has been the challenge, and I'm very pleased with the results. We're keeping the edges rounded to appease con-safety rules. A sanded edge drops it just enough to bring out the detail, and a nicely placed airbrushing will make it POP.
Next up is the Mass Effect2 M29 Sniper Rifle. Can't wait to start on this one- or see the full cosplay for that matter, as the prop will be coupled with a full set of Garrus armor from Mywickedarmor.com. Check it out!
I just started playing Mass Effect2 myself, under the billing from a friend that it was 'better than Uncharted2'. Seemed like a tall order as I've played UC2 on crushing multiple times and just can't seem to get enough of Drake and company. I'm just scratching the surface of the game, but like the feel. The playability and ease with which I'm getting familiar with the controls seems to promise a good deal of fun, and the story seems solid so far. When those who've read a book, seen a movie, or played a game before you, look at you with omg-envy for approaching a work the first time around, it's a good sign. This is Shepard, out.
Be good to you.