Friday, September 4, 2015

Go, Dog, Go!

Heya, Folks. 

It's the beginning of the Traditional Busy Season, which is funny because it's been busy for years now, lol. 
It's September, leading into one of my fav times of the year.  Okay, let's all quit holding our breath and just say it- "Halloween is coming." 
Halloween, like cosplay or tattooing, is one of those things that still makes me little kid giddy.  Can't put a price on the value of that.  Prop requests are rolling in.  I will get to your requests as soon as I can.  Thanks for your interest!  I'm excited about the coming season, and it's all your fault, lol.  Whether you're commissioning a prop or sculpture, getting a tattoo or buying a painting- Thank You.
 Alright, it's Your day. 

Be Good to You.