Monday, April 5, 2010
Ah, what else? Neighbors next door are moving out. Boo. They've been nice, quiet people who kept the place up and minded their own business. On to better things for them. Luck to them.
Garden is swelling with spring, and the trails are abloom with at least a dozen wildflowers from Dutchman's Britches to Virginia Bluebells, Marsh Marigolds and Trout Lilies, Red Trillium, Rue, Spring Beauties, Mayapples, Cut-leafed Toothwort, and others which escape my memory now. Yesterday's run was mostly great! The weather was beautiful. Ran for three hours and broke my trail distance pr by 3.4 miles for a total of 13.45 on trail! Distance is increasing, and I am finding that the real issue is how to fuel myself on these longer runs. Have to become friends with Gatorade or something of the sort- preferably something NOT loaded with sugars as well. Just give me back my electrolytes so I can stop munching on muscle tissue. Otherwise, I come home and have a mild headache, then crash for hours before feeling good again. Must- fuel.
Anything else? Dishes to do, kid's schoolwork to check, seeds to plant, WTD2. I'm rambling. :) It's your day- kick ass.
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