Monday, February 8, 2010

The shop is very cold. Even with the heater my breath still steams my goggles. Keyblade Fresh Breeze is on the table, template refined, cut, and laid out- the main cuts almost finished. Another fifteen minutes, although the prospect of finishing seemed unbearable as the temps began to dip again. Looking good, and pleased with what promises to be a very cool piece. More pics in a day or so.
From there we go on to the next project- the Sword of Dios, from Utena, Revolutionary Girl. Another very nice project by the cool people of cosplay.

Before long I'll quit bitching about the weather and start hunting the seeds and plants I want for the garden this year. Completely missed the Amaranths/Love Lies Bleeding last year. This year will be different- a huge block of drooping red is what I see. That, and Cosmos, Castor Beans, Cleomes, the usual suspect vegetables, and maybe a money tree or three. If they fruit out, I'll send seed! What is the latin for a money tree?
Work is finished for the day- I think the ps3 is calling.... Be good to you.
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