Saturday, April 17, 2010
Shopblog/22.38 miles!
With M doing the final touches you don't get to see the charm and chain connected because they're masked for paint. I'm leaving it on so as to make life easier for M as well. Otherwise you're scraping paint from hardware and cursing rainbows. Ready, M? :)
The long run went well- hard, but well. Totaled out at 22.38 miles. Took five hours and some mental resolve at the end, but I did it. Four more miles to marathon length. I'll take that. So tomorrow is a regular trail running day but I intended to skip over until Tuesday, but I'm feeling pretty good today, so we'll see. I did the whole ice bath after- yow! Ten minutes of icy goodness in the tub went a long way to reducing swelling, and the heat after was gorgeous.
That's where we are. I almost hate to move on from M's project- absolute joy to work with. My thanks for choosing my work. I'm headed for the garden, trying to get a jump on Spring. The love-lies-bleeding and giant sunflowers are peeking above ground, still awaiting the tobacco and Joseph's coat amaranth. Plenty of others to go in, including cleomes, cosmos, multiple climbers and gourds, leeks, carrots, zucchini and yellow squash to cite the ones I remember! Oh yeah, and laundry, and dishes, and dinner, and loving. Be good to you.
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